Personal Property Resource Panel

In order to effectively raise the profile of the Personal Property discipline from the perspective of The Appraisal Foundation, expert advice and resources are necessary to help the Board of Trustees of The Appraisal Foundation  successfully reach out to these constituents.  The institution of the Personal Property Resource Panel (PPRP) will enhance the work and overall profile of The Appraisal Foundation as a multi-disciplinary organization, as well as help to associate the Personal Property discipline with The Appraisal Foundation’s mission to maintain and enhance the public trust in the valuation profession.

The Personal Property Resource Panel provides a permanent forum for assembling representatives from diverse backgrounds of personal property profession, so that The Appraisal Foundation’s Board of Trustees: 
  • Has a centralized ongoing facility for communication with representatives of the personal property discipline; and 
  • Benefits from information, advice and recommendations developed by the Resource Panel on issues relevant to the discipline.

For more information, check out Resources for Personal Property Appraisers.

Current PPRP Members

The PPRP is currently composed of 12 members (listed below) who are elected to the panel and includes those currently serving on The Appraisal Foundation's Boards. 

William Engel, Chair
Strategic Asset Management
David Kinney, Vice Chair USAppraisal, LLC 
Betty Krulik, Immediate Past Chair  Betty Krulik Fine Art, Ltd
Mark Cartwright
Gemologically Speaking 
Tracy Dopko   Daventry Appraisal Services
Susan Golashovsky  Susan M Golashovsky LLC
Paul Golubovs
AA&A Appraisal Service
Leslie Hammond 
Artistic Eye Fine Art Services
Randall Lightfoot
Mayflower Estate Buyers & Consulting
Michael McCullough Pearlstein & McCullough LLP
Deborah Spanierman
DGS Fine Art Consultants, Inc
Joseph Ruzicka
Rose Arts 
Meredith Meuwly Board of Trustees Liaison

For any questions please contact Jalin Debeuneure.


Resource Panel Application

To apply to the Personal Property Resource Panel, please submit your PPRP application by the September 1, 2024 deadline. For questions about the application process, please contact Jalin Debeuneure.

Brochures Related to the PPRP



The Four D's in Personal Property Appraisal

As hard as we may try, we may not be able to adequately prepare for all of the pitfalls of life. Learn how a professional personal property appraiser plays a crucial role in navigating what is often referred to as the "four D's": death, disaster, divorce, and debt.